Kingdom Series Part1
“Battle For The Heart”
This is the first of several messages on the subject of the Kingdom Of God, that deals with the rule of Jesus in the heart of born again believers that have converted from self rule and have surrendered the throne of governance to Jesus.
John 18:36 “Jesus answered Pilot, My Kingdom is not of this world; if My Kingdom were of this world, then would My servants fight … but now is My Kingdom not from here.”
So there is more than one world – More than one Kingdom.
By direct implication He also mentions several kingdoms or domains or spheres of influence with their corresponding Lord or King and all of them play out on this earth. Jesus said, “My Kingdom is, (presently existing) but not of this world;” And Jesus was its King!
The fall of empires could never disturb it, nor the changing course of history move it from its position in the hearts and lives of men. Empires and dynasties could come and go, but that Kingdom would live on and will NEVER be extinguished.
It was not without. It was within! It was not external. It was internal. Jesus answered their questions with an answer they were in-capable of comprehending and understanding. He declared, “The Kingdom of God comes not with observation! Neither shall they say, Lo, here; or Lo, there; for, behold, the Kingdom of God is within you! ” Luke 17:20,21 the ERV states: “The kingdom has come, but not in a way you can see it.” The AMP states “The Kingdom of God is NOT coming with a visible display.”
In this Kingdom of God series, we make clear that our heart (our spirit man) is God’s Kingdom place of influence and Jesus in the King.
So It is really all about a battle for the heart of man.