Gods Perspective on Plagues and Pandemic
Gods Perspective on Plagues and Pandemic
The purpose for this series of messages, is to bring God’s people assurance, peace and also point them to the many promises in the Word of God for times of Judgments upon the earth.
Simply believing in these promises is not sufficient, we must let the Lord give us His faith as He speaks them to us in moments of intimacy with Him.
The first response to any pandemic is fear, panic and alarm. This is the last thing we need to do, as fear paralyzes and keeps us from finding the answers in God. Fear makes us controllable by our enemies, as it does not come from God. 2Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”
Then being that fear is a spirit, but does not come from God, why would we want to entertain it in our lives especially during times of chaos and pandemics. Fear cannot cure, it cannot prevent the spread and cannot make this Pandemic go away!
Throughout the ages God’s people have weathered through many a storm. Psalm 34:19 states that, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the LORD delivers him out of them all.”
The Lord has had the answers for every crisis throughout history and has made provisions for escape from it, or triumph in it.
These days of Corona Virus Pandemic, have been a true awakening for everyone, and will have the effect of making Christian more serious about their walk with God, and awaken the world to their need of a Savior.
Trust these messages will be of encouragement to all the hearers.