Become Vegan Vegetarian or Flexitarian
Course Outline:
- Introduction
- Part 1 Reasons to Become Vegan, Vegetarian, or Head in that direction
- Part 2 Reasons to Become Vegan, Vegetarian, or Flexitarian
- How to – part 1
- How to – part 2
- How to – part 3
- Steps toward a plant based diet
- Diet Details
- Beyond Diet
- Issues & Answers
- Summary
Nutrition 2 Fight Inflammation
What students are saying about this course:
“This course is very enthusiastic with a lot of tips to implement on our daily life, with excellent references to additional resources!” Alfredo Rodriguez
“It was easy to follow and understanding. Give some information that I need.” Mihaela Apostu
“In-depth, very interesting material. It gets more detailed as the course progresses.” Krisztina Csiki
What you will be able to after this course:
- You will understand how food affects our DNA.
- You will be able to avoid a few of the pitfalls that hurt our DNA and our bodies.
- You will be able to identify which foods are the most powerful antioxidants.
- You will be able to create meals and menus that provide the most benefits to your body.
- You’ll have enough information to decide if you want to pursue a career in nutrition.
- You will have some of the tools needed to start your own health coaching practice.
Course Outline:
- Course Description:
- Promo Video
Section 1 – Why Individuals React Differently to Food
- Lesson 1: Introduction to Nutritional Therapy
- Lesson 2: Nutritional Genomics
- Lesson 3: Changing Gene Expression – Switching Genes on and off
- Lesson 4: Free Radicals and DNA Damage
- Section 2: Practical Steps for Using Nutrition as Therapy
- Lesson 5: Fight Free Radicals with Antioxidants
- Lesson 6: Nature’s Pharmacy – Phytonutrients and Phytochemicals
- Lesson 7: Fiber the Antioxidant Transporter & More
- Lesson 8: Omega 3 the Protector vs the Destroyers
- Lesson 9: Diets for Longevity – The Blue Zones
Section 3: The Specifics of Powerful, Nutrient Rich Foods
- Lesson 10: Benefits in 30+ Foods – Veggies
- Lesson 11: Benefits in 30+ Foods – Veggies Part 2
- Lesson 12: Benefits in 30+ Foods – Fruit
- Lesson 13: Benefits in 30+ Foods – Grains
- Lesson 14: Benefits in 30+ Foods – Nuts & Seeds
- Lesson 15: Benefits in 30+ Foods – Legumes & More
Section 4: Wellness Coaching and Nutritional Therapy
- Lesson 16: Nutritional Therapist vs Dietitian
- Lesson 17: Your Role as a Nutritional Therapist or Wellness Coach
- Lesson 18: Skills & Education of a Wellness Coach
- Lesson 19: How to Structure Client Consultations
Section 5: Putting it all Together
- Lesson 20: Meal Planning – Developing a Healthy Plate
- Lesson 21: Summary
- References & Sources
Become A Christian Health Coach
The course is laid out with the education, skills, and character traits you will need to become a health coach. You’ll learn how to communicate more effectively and understand different personalities. As you apply what you learn, you will be more proficient in active listening and using appropriate questions guiding your clients to make positive lifestyle choices and goals that will improve their quality of life and mental wellbeing. We offer a certificate of completion for those who score 80% or more on the 2 tests (open book) as well as complete the practice sessions.
Many of the lessons have a mental or spiritual focus. Why? Science has proven the mind is more powerful than any other single influence over our bodies. The textbook for this course is called The Ministry of Healing, which is from a creation perspective, and it uses references to the Bible. I believe creation has scientific merit just as much as evolution, since neither can be reproduced in a lab, they are both are theories, based on inference and observation of the past as viewed from our current period. This course is not intended to be specific to any one religion, and anyone open to spiritual matters, regardless of denomination, will benefit, as 80% of the material is adaptable to any faith in a loving creator God or higher power. The other 15% is specific to Christianity. and 5% aimed directly at Seventh-day Adventists, take what works for you.
Note for SDA health ministry leaders: This course not only gives you tools to work with others, there is no other model that can be as effective in terms of soul winning, as one combined with health outreach.
If you would like to take this course but can’t afford it please contact mefeelinggreat@angelapoch.com
If you complete this course and do all the practice you’ll learn how to:
- Be a health coach using the Ministry of Healing as your guide.
- Show others how to lower thier risk factors for the top 5 causes of death.
- Lead clients to make positive lifestyle changes.
- Help clients develop their own goals.
- Work with client’s challenges to goal formation or accomplishment.
- Combine spiritual, mental, and physical well being.
- Guide clients on how to have a healthy lifestyle.
- Teach plant based nutrition.
- Offer some hydrotherapy tools.
- Help clients develope better stess management skills.
Course Outline:
- Step 1: Take the FREE “Optimal Health” course
- Step 2: Work through the How to Become a Health Coach videos & handouts (see sections below for more details).
- Step 3: Practice
- Step 4: Submit 1st Practice
- Step 5: Watch “In His Image” series 8 hours(included free in this program)
- Step 6: Do the “Nutrition 4 Optimal Health” course 2 hours (included free in this program) abd submit the test.
- Step 7: Submit 2nd Practice
- Step 8: Watch the “Home Remedies & Hydrotherapy” videos6 hours (included free in this program)
- Step 9: Watch the “Stress Management” Course 1.5 hours (included free in this program)
- Step 10: Watch “How to Become a Vegan, Vegetarian, or Flexitarian” 1.5 hours (included free with this program).
- Step 11: Submit your 3rd and final practice
- Step 12: Do a 50min consultation with me (Angela Poch). Can be a QnA or personal work to see what it feels like to be in a coaching session. Then do your Final Exam!
- Introduction
- The Role of a Coach
- The Description Of a Coach
- Qualifications of a Coach
- Stages of Change
- Mental Issues & Illness
- Working With People
- Low Income Challenges
- Professionals, Millennials, and Others
- Considerations for the are Sick
- Dealing with Various Personalities
- Left Brain vs Right Brain – Fact or Fiction
- World View & Limiting Beliefs
- CBT – The most important tool
- Increasing Frontal Lobe Function
- 5 Keys to Effective Communication
- Active & Reflective Listening – Start practicing reflective and empathic listening in your daily life.
- SMART Goals – The Foundation of Coaching
- Life Inventory & Other Tools
- The Power of Choice
- First Principle of Health
- Service, Community, and Volunteering
- Nature As a Law of Health
- Exercise & Activity
- Sunlight & Fresh air – deep breathing
- Rest – Getting Proper Sleep & More
- Water – Inside & Out
- Nutrition – What We Eat Matters
- Nutrition – How We Eat Matters Too
- Temperance & Addictions
- Finding a Cure
- Client or Friend? Developing Your Relationship
- Defining and Creating Success
- Setting Up Your Practice
- Signing Clients & Doing Workshops
- Sample Coaching Program
- Legal Issues – Insurance, Rules of conduct, Privacy
- Our Example
- How to avoid burn out
- Dealing with Critics & Conflicts
- Why You Might Be Sick
- How to Relieve Guilt
- Skills Practice
- Live REAL Coaching Session
- Summary
The videos from this course aired in New Zealand and were popular with viewers. Jordan made such an impression on YouTube he was even invited to Top Chef Junior…. TWICE! Being vegetarian he declined the offer.
What you will be able to after this course:
- Kids will be able to cook some simple easy meals on their own.
- Learn about basic body systems and how to stay healthy.
Course Outline:
- Video Intro
- Pizza
- Potato Soup
- Burgers
- Mac & Cheese
- Golden Nuggets & Pot Pie
- Salad
- Waffles & More
- Lunch Box Treats
- Video Summary
- Lesson 1 – A Better Body Is Important
- Lesson 2 – My Mind Makes My Moods
- Lesson 3 – Making Muscles Move
- Lesson 4 – Fabulous Foods Feed Me
- Lesson 5 – Water Within & Without
- Lesson 6 – Super Sunshine & Ample Air
- Lesson 7 – Slumbering Sleep
- Lesson 8 – Taming Tom with Temperance
- Recipes
- Recipe Cards
- Supplement Section
- Answer Key
Deep Seated Stress – Dealing With Past Hurts
Learning forgiveness to gain healing isn’t easy and it’s certainly not fair. Why should any victim have to do any work to find healing? Taking back control of your life isn’t always fair but you can make the choice to move forward to find health and healing for yourself regardless of what others have done to you. Learn more in this self-help course.
Course Objectives:
- Discover what destroys peace of mind
- Why forgiveness isn’t acceptance of wrong
- How anger can be a good thing
- Find out what forgiveness really is and what it isn’t
Course Outline:
- 5 Things that Kill Joy & Peace
- Forgiving People Who Aren’t Sorry
- Why Should I Forgive
- Forgiveness is a Learned Skill
- What Forgives is and is NOT
- The Past vs Current Hurt
- Forgiveness is a Powerful Process
- Anger and Forgiveness
- Why We Deny Anger
- The Purpose of Anger
- Forgiveness is About Making Choices
Metabolic Rate – Losing Weight for a Lifetime
This course is laid out with 2-6 minute videos complete with handouts for key points. Written and instructed by Angela Poch, NC, the program is based on current scientific research and has been proven to be effective. This course is not a diet and does not provide strict meals.
What you will be able to after this course:
- Develop an understanding of metabolism and how it affects the body in terms of weight loss.
- Choose foods that will increase your metabolism and/or help with weight loss
- Discover the exercise that will burn the most fat
- Correct habits that are slowing your metabolic rate
- Have a decreased risk of cancer, heart disease, depression, diabetes, and other diet and lifestyle-related diseases
Course Outline:
- Lesson 1: What is Metabolism and Metabolic Rate
- Lesson 2: The Science Behind Metabolic Rate and Weight Loss
- Lesson 3: How to create a diet without dieting
- Lesson 4: Step 1 – Creating a Metabolic Diet: BMI, BMR & Calories
- Lesson 5: Step 2 – Basic Nutrition
- Lesson 6: Creating a Metabolic Diet – Step 3 Foods to Avoid
- Lesson 7: Step 4 – Creating a Metabolic Diet: Water
- Lesson 8: Step 5 – Creating a Metabolic Diet: Fiber
- Lesson 9: Step 6 – Creating a Metabolic Diet: Protein
- Lesson 10: Step 7 – Creating a Metabolic Diet: Carbohydrates
- Lesson 11: Step 8 – Creating a Metabolic Diet: Omega 3’s & Other Fats
- Lesson 12: Step 9 – Creating a Metabolic Diet: Spicy Foods
- Lesson 13: Step 10 – Creating a Metabolic Diet: Crunch & Texture
- Lesson 14: Increase Metabolism with Exercise
- Lesson 15: How Muscle Mass & Body Fat Affects Metabolism
- Lesson 16: What about Hormones, The Environment & Stress
- Lesson 17: How to keep motivated & other tips
- Lesson 18: Recording a wellness diary
- Summary
Vegan Vegetarian Cooking School
Keep in mind this was filmed over 10 years ago. We do a lot of baking and even healthy desserts. Why desserts? Because they are great for breakfast or supper. Desserts should be a meal not added on. We’ll explain why in this course.
If you’d like to be able to cook vegetarian dishes that wow your family, learn how to make healthy vegan meals and create tasty morsels of vegan food, then you’ve found what you’ve been looking for!
Watch the first few lessons, completely free, NO obligation.
What students are saying:
“I enjoyed watching how quickly the meals were prepared and how the nutritional values from each meal was discussed.” Naomi M Robinson
“I gave this course of 5 star because it is very thorough and in depth. The Instructor is very detailed oriented and is on a mission to teach vegan and vegetarian recipes. I see it as a door to go through and learn a lot more on my own. It really is a World of Education. If you are willing to look at it as a propeller to the Vegetarian Universe and of course if you are a lifelong learner, you will learn. Angela Poch; hats off to you! Keep up the good work Ma’am. God Bless!!” Thania Rosario
Benefits of this course:
- You will receive all the materials you need including recipes and nutritional handouts.
- Complete this course as fast as you like or take your time the choice is yours.
- This course is structured with videos and printable book with all the recipes demonstrated plus hundreds more, cooking tips, and health info.
- Each lesson has a particular focus such as: quick cold breakfasts, filling hot breakfasts, easy sack lunches, wholesome dinner meals (lunch or supper), and light meals (some might call them desserts they are so good). There are also lessons on holidays, breads, soups, and more.
Course Outline:
- Lesson 1 – Getting Started Vegan Cooking – measuring, kitchen tips, organizing your vegan cupboards, and how to become vegan or vegetarian.
- Lesson 2 – Ingredients – going over the most common and some of the uncommon ingredients used in vegan cooking, recipes and diet.
- Lesson 3 – Cold Quick Breakfasts – Making up vegetarian recipes so your morning cooking will go quick.
- Lesson 4 – Hot Breakfasts – Fill your gas tank with fuel for the road.
- Lesson 5 – Sack Lunches – Ideas for you and your working spouse and children.
- BONUS show from 3ABN on lunches
- Lesson 6 – Hot Lunches – The best meals are at dinner time.
- Lesson 7 – Simple Suppers – Eat light at night.
- Lesson 8 – Healthy Vegan Holidays – How to make those special occasions taste great for your vegan friends! (This is part 1 – Fall & Winter holidays)
- Lesson 9 – Healthy Vegan Holidays – How to make those special occasions taste great for your vegan friends! (This is part 2 – Spring & Summer Holidays) BONUS: Vegan cake decorating with fondant.
- Lesson 10 – Bread & Spreads – Hearty grains. (Will cover gluten free bread, bread for the bread machine, and a few spreads too!)
- BONUS one hour program – 3ABN Today program “Easy Vegan Meal” with lemon pie, bean burgers, and more.
- Lesson 11 – Soups & Crackers – Warm up on a cold day with vegan soup recipes.
- Lesson 12 – Healthy Desserts – Pies & Cobblers – Hint, you can have these for supper or breakfast too!!!
This course was filmed in 2011 but is still factual and relevant today. Done in a lecture format, these videos are long – about 60 minutes or so. Watch in bite size portions if desired. Watch the first one free above!
Course Objectives:
- Learn about body systems
- Discover how science supports the Bible
- Find out healthy choices you can make
- Fun and easy enough for kids to understand
Course Outline:
- Lesson 1: The Wonder of the Cell
- Lesson 2: Nervous System – Ponder the Brain
- Lesson 3: Skeletal System – Meet Mr Bones
- Lesson 4: Muscular System – Strength is acquired by effort
- Lesson 5: Reproductive System – Moral Purity
- Lesson 6: Circulatory System – Lungs, Heart, and more
- Lesson 7: Digestive System – Diving into Digestion
- Lesson 8: Your Five Senses – Wonder of the Senses
- Lesson 9: Your body rhythms – Clocks of Life
Download Here
Not included are books connected to my online courses such as “Nutrition 2 Fight Inflammation”, “Simple Plant Cooking for Families”, and my newest books “Simple Plant-based Cooking” and “Low FODMAP Plant-based Cooking”If you’ve attended one of my workshops you can get either of these books, please contact me for details.
- Healthy Home Cookin’ Cookbook Series. 7 books plus Our Favourites. Unzip the folder and the cookbooks are in PDF format. 80% Gluten free or adaptable to GF.
- Our Favorites Gluten Free – the best GF from the above set.
- Simple Cooking With Essential Oils – full color
Want to learn more about healthy cooking? We have several courses on cooking.
- Healthy Families – my newest and best recommended course.
- Vegan Vegetarian Cooking School – our oldest and most popular course on cooking
- FREE Optimal Health – Learn WHY adding more fruits, veggies, nuts, beans, and whole grains is important to your health and what other keys to wellness are vital for longevity and even happiness.
Nutrition 2 Fight Inflammation
If you are leaning toward vegetarian or a completely plant based diet, you will find this transition easier but you don’t have to be to take this course. However, through this course, you will have to make some choices about what is more important: freedom from pain, and other symptoms, or your current diet and lifestyle. We want to help you, so you are NOT alone in this adventure. Please watch the free introduction and other videos to learn more.
Watch the first few lessons, completely free, NO obligation. (Scroll through the table of contents to get a couple free cooking video lessons as well.)
What students are saying about this course:
“Well explained and informative” Gabo Maphango
“Very informative, passionate presenter. The topic is explained rapidly and convincing. Kept my interest. Thank you! 👍” Carina Almroth
“well presented, reliable info” Gavin Roberts
What you will be able to after this course:
- What is healthy eating
- How to encourage your child to eat fruit and vegetables
- How to cook delicious recipes your kids will eat
- How to make exercise fun
- Dealing with the electronic devices and screen time
Course Outline:
Section One: Inflammation Basics
- Lesson 1: Introduction (What you will learn)
- Lesson 2: What is inflammation
- Lesson 3: Chronic vs Acute inflammation
- Lesson 4: What Causes inflammation
Section Two: How reduce inflammation with lifestyle
- Lesson 5: Stress Management
- Lesson 6: Watch Your Weight
- Lesson 7: Fight Back With Exercise
- Lesson 8: Issues With Smoking & Alcohol
- Section Three: Reducing inflammation with Diet
- Lesson 9: Sugar and Refined Carbs
- Lesson 10: Nightshades and Food Allergies
- Lesson 11: Saturated Fats, Processed Foods, and More
- Lesson 12: Foods that fight inflammation – Part 1: Fruits
- Lesson 13: Foods that fight inflammation – Part 2: Veggies
- Lesson 14: Foods that fight inflammation – Part 2: Grains
- Lesson 15: Reducing inflammation with omega 3
- Lesson 16: Supplements – Vitamin D, Herbs, and more.
- Lesson 17: Nutrient Summary
Section Four: Recipes for reducing inflammation
- Lesson 18: Using your new cookbook. (screen shots)
- Lesson 19: Cookbook (PDF download)
- Lesson 20: Creamy Garlic Sauce
- Lesson 21: Nightshade Free Lasagna
- Lesson 22: Sweet Potato Crepes
- Lesson 23: Bean & Quinoa Burgers
- Lesson 24: Veggie Gravy
- Lesson 25: Walnut Dressing
- Lesson 26: Zesty Sprinkles
- Lesson 27: Avocado & Green Olive Penne
- Lesson 28: Brown Rice Tortillas
- Lesson 29: Quinoa Flat Bread
- Lesson 30: Blackberry Scones
Section Five: Summary & Other resources
- Summary
- Sources
Download here
- Health Information Sheets Booklet. From B12 to Sleep, Exercise, Water, and many more! Get the nitty gritty on a healthy lifestyle.
- Becoming Vegan, Vegetarian, or Flexitarian.
- Food Allergies & Sensitivies – Don’t forget the workbook below. Not in place of your doctor’s care!
- Food Allergies Workbook – use to help identify your food sensitivies.
- Health Quotes n Notes – This zip file has several booklets of Ellen White quotes on various aspects of health
- Proverb’s Journal – Dr. Neil Nedley says reading Proverbs daily in a systematic way can improve frontal lobe function. This workbook style journal can give you new ways to explore the book of Proverbs
Want to learn more about healthy cooking? We have several courses on cooking.
This seminar has been put on across Canada from corporations to churches helping thousands deal with grief and recover from tragic loss. The pain doesn’t just go away with time, but only with an appropriate grieving process that works for you. It is an individual experience and there are many ways to grieve but burying your emotions is not one of them.
Course Objectives:
- Learn about the stages of grief
- The risk of tragic loss
- Ways to grieve
- Resources for healthy grieving
Course Outline:
- Introduction
- Healing Takes Time But Don’t Get Stuck
- Many Ways We Experience Loss
- Different Losses We May Go Through
- Loss History
- Identifying Loss: Common Reactions
- We Don’t Get Over, We Go Through
- 5 Stages of Grief
- Fear and Grief
- Higher Risk Individuals
- The Disadvantages of Avoiding Pain
- The 6 R’s of Grief
- Intentional Grieving Plan
- Reaching Your Destination
- Additional Resources – Including Children & Grief
- Requests for Friends & Family
Healthy Families – plant based cooking and more
Recipes are plant-based, or have vegan options, so that they will accommodate vegan and vegetarians, but the course is intended to used with any diet. With families wanting to eat healthier and include more whole plant foods I’ve tried to create tasty recipes the whole family will love. Some kids want to eat vegetarian, or maybe one parent is vegan, whatever the case the challenges of creating healthy nutritious meals without making two dinners every night is becoming more and more common. Find out how you can make meal planning benefit everyone and still not have to cook a ten course feast night after night.
What you will be able to after this course:
- What is healthy eating
- How to encourage your child to eat fruit and vegetables
- How to cook delicious recipes your kids will eat
- How to make exercise fun
- Dealing with the electronic devices and screen time
Course Outline:
- Introduction to a Healthy Family
- Your Example is More Powerful Than Words
- Change: Dealing With Resistance
- Essential Nutrition for Families
- Nutrients to Give Your Child the BEST Chance for optimal health
- Food and Other Allergies
- Mealtimes Are More Than Just Food
- Healthy Kids – Packing In The Nutrients
- Cookbook
- Oatmeal Surprise
- Waffles With More
- Kid-Friendly, Healthy Lunch-boxes
- Hummus, Choosing the Right Bread & More
- Veggie Protein Burgers
- Roasted Veggies
- Taco or Wrap Night or Haystacks
- Marinara Sauce
- Cheesy Squash Sauce
- Kale Pesto
- Best Omega 3 Bars
- Black Bean Brownies
- Ice-cream Cake
- Electronics in Balance – Screen Time and Health
- Exercise, Activity & Children
- Out of Doors – Nature, Fresh Air, Sunshine
- Self-Worth vs Self-esteem
What you will be able to after this course:
- Confidently read ingredient lists and nutritional labels.
- You will understand the key elements of a healthy diet.
- Create a healthy vegan diet will all the nutrients you need.
- Avoid the fads and diet extremes seen on the internet.
- Weed through the nonsense written by inexperienced bloggers and foodies.
- Understand the details of food nutrients and how they affect the body.
- Provide for yourself all the nutrients you need from plant based foods.
- Avoid the pitfalls of a restricted diet.
Course Outline:
Lesson 1: Introduction to Basic Health
Lesson 2: Overview of Nutritional Terms
Lesson 3: Understanding Food Labels & Claims
Lesson 4: The Science of Nutrition and Professionals
Lesson 5: Carbohydrates – Sugar
Lesson 6: Carbohydrates – Starch
Lesson 7: Carbohydrates – Fiber
Lesson 8: Protein
Lesson 9: Fat – Omega 3, 6, 9 & Cholesterol
Lesson 10: Iron & Zinc
Lesson 11: Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium
Lesson 12: B Vitamins
Lesson 13: Vitamins A, C, E, K the Antioxidants
Lesson 14: Sodium & Potassium
Lesson 15: Trace Minerals, B12 & Vitamin D
Lesson 16: Nutritional Deficiencies & Food Allergies
Lesson 17: Organic vs Toxic Chemicals – Finding balance
Lesson 18: Fads, Trends, and Extremes in Diet
Lesson 19: Exercise unlocks nutrients
Lesson 20: Water
Lesson 21: Rest
Lesson 22: Calorie Intake & Menu Development
Lesson 23: Practical Application & Summary
- 1. Pursed Lip Breathing . (n.d.). Retrieved on 2020-01-05 from https://www.lung.org/lung-health-diseases/lung-disease-lookup/copd/patient-resources-and-videos/pursed-lip-breathing-video
- 2. Ma, X., Yue, Z.-Q., Gong, Z.-Q., Zhang, H., Duan, N.-Y., Shi, Y.-T., … Li, Y.-F. (2017, June 6). The Effect of Diaphragmatic Breathing on Attention, Negative Affect and Stress in Healthy Adults. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5455070/
This seminar has been put on across Canada from corporations to churches. Participants find the information helpful in reducing stress and creating awareness for what triggers their stress. Medical News Today states, “Over long periods, chronic stress can contribute to the development of a range of physical and mental disorders, including:
- Chronic stress can contribute to high blood pressure.
- heart disease
- high blood pressure
- diabetes
- obesity
- a weakened immune system
- sexual dysfunction
- gastrointestinal disorders
- skin irritation
- respiratory infections
- autoimmune diseases
- insomnia
- burnout
- depression
- anxiety disorders
- post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD
- schizophrenia”https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/323324.php
Course Objectives:
- How stress affects us
- Understand what are stressors
- Discover your own stressors
- See the warning signs before you get burnout
- 8 keys to manage stress
- Over 100 Tips to reduce stress
Course Outline:
- Introduction
- The Problem – Cameron’s story
- ABC’s of Stress Management
- Major Modern Stressors
- Doing a Stress Test
- Acute vs Chronic Stress
- Stress Warning Signals
- Too Close to the Edge
- 8 Ways to Manage stress – Let it Sit
- 8 Ways to Manage stress – Thin the Soup
- 8 Ways to Manage stress – Stir the Soup
- 8 Ways to Manage stress – Play With the Soup
- 8 Ways to Manage stress – Nutritious Soup
- 8 Ways to Manage stress – Poison in the Soup
- 8 Ways to Manage stress – Give Thanks for the Soup
- 8 Ways to Manage stress – Eat It Slow & Enjoy It!
- 102 Ways to Reduce Stress
- What If You Ate the Soup TOO HOT Already
- Summary – Make It Real for You!
The Truth Will Set You Free Booklet
Optimal Health – Your Journey for a Long & Happy Life
Course Outline:
- Lesson 1: Introduction
- Lesson 2: Blue Zones – The Science of Longevity
- Lesson 3: Moderate, Regular Outdoor Physical Activity
- Lesson 4: Country living or the City Equivalent To It
- Lesson 5: Serving Others & Social Equality
- Lesson 6: Attitude and Thinking Impact Your Health
- Lesson 7: Controlling Stress, Anxiety, and Depression
- Lesson 8: Strong Family Ties and Healthy Relationships – Part 1
- Lesson 9: Strong Family Ties and Healthy Relationships – Part 2
- Lesson 10: A Vegetarian or Mediterranean Diet With Moderate Calories
- Lesson 11: Avoiding Toxins Such as Smoking, Excess Chemicals, etc.
- Lesson 12: Simple Living and Less Stress
- Lesson 13: Other Healthy Choices Like Water & Sleep
- Lesson 14: Engagement in Spirituality or Religion
- Lesson 15: Summary